Monday, September 25, 2023

😎Do you have bad credit or poor credit and want to buy a home?

 Buying a house has become synonymous with "the American dream."

Low credit score won't prevent a borrower from buying a home

Buyers have found that owning a home has many prerequisites.......

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Matt Prosory RI/MLO/Broker
NCO Enterprises LLC
Dba Setabay Private Hard Money
26731 N 90th Drive
Peoria AZ 85383
Telephone: 623-582-4444
NMLS 2062278 NMLS 1118493

Equal Housing Opportunity. This is not a Good Faith Estimate nor a Guarantee to lend and should not be considered as such.  This email is an advertisement.
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Monday, September 18, 2023

😇 See what others are doing in the fix and flip business. ðŸ’¥

Here are some of the deals we closed last week.

Do you have a deal that needs quick and easy funding?

We are Private Hard Money Lenders
with over $200,000,000 funded for Real Estate Investors.

Vacation in Pine Top AZ
Purchased for $175,000
Loan Amount $112,500
Fix and Flip in Gilbert Arizona
Purchased for $449,000
Loan Amount $215,000
Matt Prosory RI/MLO/Broker
NCO Enterprises LLC
Dba Setabay Private Hard Money
26731 N 90th Drive
Peoria AZ 85383
Telephone: 623-582-4444
NMLS 2062278 NMLS 1118493

Equal Housing Opportunity. This is not a Good Faith Estimate nor a Guarantee to lend and should not be considered as such. Costs, rates, estimates, and terms can only be determined after completing an application.  This email is an advertisement.
Copyright © 2023 Setabay Private Hard Money, All rights reserved. 5
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Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Ways To Flip Houses With No Money & Bad Credit

Nowhere does it say an investor needs to fund a deal with their money. As it turns out, there are several options for funding a deal made available to today's investors, none of which will require you to use capital from your pocket. It's pretty easy to argue that using other people's money is the gold standard, at least when investing in real estate. If for nothing else, private lenders, hard money lenders, and any house-flipping investors interested in making money are all more than viable options to seek out for your next deal. Here are a few options to help you learn how to flip a house with no money:

1. Private Lenders
More often than not, private lenders will serve as an investor's most significant funding source. After all, private money lenders are essentially banks without the endless hoops to jump through what most traditional lenders have become synonymous with. That said, Arizona private lenders are anyone with a few extra dollars in their pocket, a desire to invest, and a propensity to have their "ears bent." Perhaps even more importantly, they are not associated with a financial institution or a government-backed agency, such as Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. That's an important distinction; they can make their own rules.

With the ability to set their parameters, Arizona private money lenders will typically come at a steep price; it's not uncommon for their fee to rest somewhere in the neighborhood of six and 12 percent, but I digress. While the average private money lender rate is slightly higher than a traditional lender's, they can have the money in an investor's hand in a few days or even hours. Therein lies the most significant benefit of working with private money lenders: speed of implementation. The slightly higher interest rate is well worth the cost of admission if it means an investor can secure funding in as little time as possible. Not surprisingly, most investors will find that the speed at which they can make an offer is more important than the interest rate it comes with. On the other hand, traditional banks may take as long as 30 to 45 days to close on a loan or just long enough to let a deal slip through your fingers.
Most private money lenders will require a bit of an insurance policy or, more specifically, a promissory note and a mortgage or trust deed on the subject property. Some private lenders will even want borrowers to take it further and guarantee the loan with their assets, but everything is negotiable.

2. Hard Money Lenders
In their simplest form, hard money lenders are lending companies that offer specialized short-term real estate-backed loans. Unlike their private money counterparts, they are affiliated with a company specializing in lending. However, Arizona hard money lenders typically offer shorter loan terms to avoid confusion with traditional lending institutions. Transactional lenders will offer loans up to 15 and 30 years, but Phoenix hard money lenders tend to stick with a six-month to two-year window.
Besides their affiliation with an actual company, hard money lenders will operate much like private money lenders. Not only are their lending guidelines much looser than traditional institutions, but their rates are also slightly higher. Hard money lenders in Arizona usually ask for about 11 to 15 percent and about five points (additional upfront percentage fees based on the loan amount). However, it is worth noting that there are no universal Arizona hard money lender guidelines; each will be complete with a different set of criteria.
According to New England Home Buyers experts, "You can fund all home repairs using hard money lenders. Unlike traditional bank loans, hard money borrowing is not contingent on your creditworthiness. However, fees and interest rates for hard money loans are frequently higher. Note that interest rates might range from 8% to 15%, and points can range from one to five".
It is also important to note that most Arizona hard money lenders will usually only loan a percentage of the purchase price — typically around 70 percent, to be exact. That will require most investors to look elsewhere if they don't want to spend any money out of their pockets, perhaps a private lender.

What Is The 70% Rule In House Fix and Flip Lender?

Home flippers have a straightforward business model: they buy a house for a low price, renovate it, and then resell it for a more fantastic price. The purpose of a flipper is to buy low and sell high to maximize their earnings. When flippers are looking at real estate listings, the 70 percent rule can come in handy. Essentially, it states that investors should pay no more than 70% of a property's after-repair value minus the cost of the repairs required to refurbish it.
A property's after-repair value, or ARV, is the amount a home could sell for after being renovated by a fix and flipper. When purchasing a home to flip, investors must estimate how much the property will sell for after it has been renovated. They can then multiply that figure by 70% and deduct it from the estimated renovation cost. The result is the most that flippers should be willing to pay for that home or property. The formula for the 70% rule is:

After-repair value (ARV) .70 Estimated repair costs = Maximum buying price

The critical thing to remember is that the 70% rule is merely a guideline. Before purchasing a house, you should research market conditions, consult with real estate professionals to acquire a more realistic resale estimate, and meet with contractors to determine how much repairs will cost and which upgrades are required.

How To Find Arizona Hard Money Lenders

Hard money lenders are located nationwide; you need to know how to find them. The easiest way to find them is by searching online for Arizona or Phoenix hard money lenders in your area. You will find results for companies with hard money loans that you can contact here. Attending real estate investor meetings is a great way to network with Arizona hard money lenders looking to work with potential borrowers. You can also reach out to other real estate professionals in your network who have experience working with these lenders or know of a contact you can contact.

NCO Enterprises LLC
Dba Setabay Private Hard Money
26731 N 90th Drive
Peoria AZ 85383
Telephone: 623-582-4444
NMLS 2062278 NMLS 1118493
Equal Housing Opportunity. This is not a Good Faith Estimate nor a Guarantee to lend and should not be considered as such. Costs, rates, estimates, and terms can only be determined after completing an application. Actual payments will vary based on your situation and current rates. APR for loans ranges from 7.99 - 29.5% and is based on Credit Score, Down Payment, LTV, and Income. Mortgage rates could change daily. For more accurate and personalized results, please call 623 582 4444 to talk to a licensed mortgage expert. Terms and conditions of all loan programs are subject to change without notice. NCO Enterprises LLC Dba Setabay Private Hard Money 26731 N 90th Drive Peoria AZ 85383 Telephone: 623-582-4444 NMLS 2062278 NMLS 1118493 This email is for the exclusive use of the intended recipients and may contain privileged and confidential information. If you are not an intended recipient, please notify the sender, delete the email from your computer, and do not copy or disclose it to anyone else. Your receipt of this message is not intended to waive any applicable privilege. Neither this email nor any attachments establish a client relationship, constitute an electronic signature, or provide consent to contract electronically unless expressed by Matt Prosory RI/CEO, in this email or an attachment. To the extent, this message includes any tax or legal advice. This message is not intended or written by the sender to be used, and cannot be used, for legal or tax purposes or advice. This email is an advertisement.

Monday, September 11, 2023

People are making a lot of MOOLA in Real Estate Are YOU?

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Fix - Flip - Rehab Loans
Up to 90% Loan to Value
Competitive Rates

More Information
Matt Prosory RI/MLO/Broker
NCO Enterprises LLC
Dba Setabay Private Hard Money
26731 N 90th Drive
Peoria AZ 85383
Telephone: 623-582-4444
NMLS 2062278 NMLS 1118493

Equal Housing Opportunity. This is not a Good Faith Estimate nor a Guarantee to lend and should not be considered as such. Costs, rates, estimates, and terms can only be determined after completing an application. Actual payments will vary based on your situation and current rates. APR for loans ranges from 7.99 - 29.5% and is based on Credit Score, Down Payment, LTV, and Income. Mortgage rates could change daily. For more accurate and personalized results, please call 623 582 4444 to talk to a licensed mortgage expert. Terms and conditions of all loan programs are subject to change without notice. NCO Enterprises LLC Dba Setabay Private Hard Money 26731 N 90th Drive Peoria AZ 85383 Telephone: 623-582-4444 NMLS 2062278 NMLS 1118493 This email is for the exclusive use of the intended recipients and may contain privileged and confidential information. If you are not an intended recipient, please notify the sender, delete the email from your computer, and do not copy or disclose it to anyone else. Your receipt of this message is not intended to waive any applicable privilege. Neither this email nor any attachments establish a client relationship, constitute an electronic signature, or provide consent to contract electronically unless expressed by Matt Prosory RI/CEO, in this email or an attachment. To the extent, this message includes any tax or legal advice. This message is not intended or written by the sender to be used, and cannot be used, for legal or tax purposes or advice. This email is an advertisement.
Copyright © 2023 Setabay Private Hard Money, All rights reserved. 4

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Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Your 4-Month Marathon - Keep Up the Pace!

TIME TO SET YOUR PACE In any marathon race, setting your pace is all important. If you watch professional marathon runners, they are running at the s

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Marathon runners

In any marathon race, setting your pace is all important. If you watch professional marathon runners, they are running at the same pace nearly the entire race: at the beginning, in the middle, and at the finish line. They quickly get up to the speed they know they can maintain, and they just keep at it, mile after mile, and hour after hour. They know the race will be over after a few hours, and they are content that until that time, they will just keep on keeping on.

This is what you must do as well. Set your pace of low-carb eating, a narrow (six-hour) window of eating, and the end of all between-meal snacking, and then just do it, day after day and week after week. Christmas will be here before you know it, and you can look forward to vastly improved blood sugar scores and your A1c score. Until that time, you will just keep putting one foot in front of the other, running the race that is set before you!


In my previous email I warned you about the danger of hypos (dangerously low blood sugar) when you switch from a high-carb diet to a low-carb diet. This is especially true for those taking powerful diabetic meds or insulin. So keep watching your glucose levels by testing with your blood sugar meter.

Do not allow your glucose to drop below 80. If it does, immediately eat some carbs to bring it back into range. And by all means keep your doctor in the loop, and let him/her know exactly what you are doing, and what your blood sugar levels are reading. If you are taking meds or insulin you will probably have to have your dosage lowered. TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR!

The Wednesday Videos Are JUST FOR YOU!

On Wednesdays, for the rest of this year, the Lord willing, I plan to target my videos especially for the 2023 Challenge Participants. You cannot afford to miss a single one of them. So please subscribe to Beat Diabetes, and make sure and watch every single Wednesday video that is posted! Click on the thumbnail below to see the latest Wednesday video.

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Nigerian Keto Meals
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16 Best Veg

Here are Links to Videos Featuring Keto tortillas/chapatis/flatbreads

Get An Approximate A1c

To figure your A1c at home, test your glucose 5 times in one day:

Fasting glucose in the morning
One hour after lunch
Three hours after lunch
One hour after dinner
Before you go to bed
Average these five numbers (divide by 5)

Plug that number into the calculator ON THIS PAGE

This will be a pretty close approximation of your A1c at this time.

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