Saturday, June 2, 2018

The Benefits of Hard Money Loans Arizona

Hard money loans are not as intimidating as many borrowers have come to believe. Understanding the benefits of hard money loans Arizona will clarify why they are a very useful financial tool.

Many borrowers view hard money loans Arizona as some type of shady deal that operates on the fringe of the legitimate lending world. But nothing could be further from the truth. Hard money loans are a completely legitimate and legal way to seek funding when a traditional lender or bank is not able to meet your needs. In addition, there are a number of benefits that are specific to a hard money loan.

Time can be an investor’s greatest enemy when a deal needs to move quickly to avoid a lost opportunity. Completing a tradition loan application can take days and then there can be weeks or even months of waiting to receive a final decision. All of this time is an open door for another investor or buyer to swoop in and steal a deal. But the process of applying for hard money loans Arizona is much faster. This is because the lender is really only interested in the current market value of the collateral being used for the loan. The lender is not going to do a deep dive into the borrowers business or personal finances to determine creditworthiness and debt load. So a simple property appraisal and evaluation can be completed very quickly in comparison.

In addition to the fast turnaround for funding, the other terms of hard money loans Arizona are also more favorable to many borrowers. Unlike the long terms of a traditional loan, hard money loans can offer terms as short as three months or as long as two to five years. This flexibility is perfect for the investor or flipper who is going to purchase, renovate and resell quickly. Builders are also fond of these terms as it allow time to build on a piece of property and then sell within the year and move on to the next project.

Credit is Not an Issue

The final benefit is to those borrowers who have no credit or less than perfect credit. Having no credit is almost as bad as having bad credit. But in the case of a hard money lender, neither of these issues is a deal breaker. The lender is only going to look at the value of the collateral to determine if he or she is willing to fund the loan. Credit is not going to be an issue, so hard money loans offer an opportunity to many borrowers who just don’t meet the high standards of the traditional lenders.

A Financial Tool

There is no one all-purpose tool for everything and finance is the same concept. Not everyone can meet the criteria for a traditional loan nor can they wait for a bank to approve the long form application. In some cases, a hard money loan is just simply a better option than a traditional loan.


Dennis Dahlberg
Level 4 Funding LLC 
Private Hard Money Lender
Arizona Office:  (623) 582-4444 NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
22601 N 19th Ave Suite 112 | Phoenix | AZ | 85027


Friday, June 1, 2018

Tips for Success When Considering Hard Money Loans Arizona

Every industry has its good and bad participants and hard money lending is no exception. But following a few tips can help to ensure success when seeking hard money loans Arizona.

As with any loan, careful evaluations should be completed for each lender and the terms for all hard money loans Arizona. If you are not familiar with the process or the loan documentation it is always a good idea to have your lawyer review any documents before you sign them because a hard money loan document is legally binding. In addition, there are a few other tips that can help you to ensure that your entire loan application and funding process goes smoothly.

There can be a few legitimate upfront fees that a borrower is asked to pay when requesting hard money loans Arizona. But be cautious of any extremely large fees that you are presented with prior to being approved for the loan. In most cases, these fees are being charged by a third party or a “broker” who is not actually the lender but is trying to get a fee and masquerade as a lender. Not only is there a good chance that you will not get funding from this person but there is also a good chance that they will sell your identity or personal information to others for an additional profit at your expense.

When you are presenting information to a potential lender, assume that they will find out any “little secret” that you might know about the property. Do not try to hide information about the title, tax liens or any issues that could become a problem in the future. A lender is going to fully investigate the property and will not look kindly on any borrower who has attempted to be dishonest or take advantage of them.

Know the Current Rates

Not all lenders are dishonest just like not all used car dealers are dishonest. But that are a few in every crowd. So be sure that you have polled several lenders and are well aware of the current rates and terms for hard money loans Arizona. This will let you know immediately if a lender is trying to take advantage of you and you can cease the relationship immediately.

As for A Detailed Fee Breakdown

In the end, all you are really shopping for is the loan with the best overall cost to you. So it only makes sense to clearly ask for a list of all of the fees and costs that you will be paying for the use of the lenders money. Having this clear list of the total cost will allow you to easily compare all of your offers without having to sort through various terms and jargon that can be a part of a loan document.

Using these few tips will help you to more easily determine which hard money loan is the least expensive and will allow you to get the best return on your investment.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

The Best Time to Use Hard Money Lenders Arizona

Not every real estate transaction is tailored to a traditional loan. In some cases hard money lenders Arizona is the only choice to meet the terms of a great deal.

There are many moving parts in most real estate investment deals. You might be facing a very small window of opportunity to make the purchase or you might not have the cash on hand to complete the deal. You might even want to hold onto your cash to complete the renovations needed to quickly sell and turn a profit on a property. But whatever challenge cannot be met by a traditional lender, hard money lenders Arizona is probably going to be able to accommodate.

Banks and mortgage companies have a specific process that they must follow for each loan application. And there is a certain amount of time that this process is going to require. So if you have just a few days to raise the funds for a great investment property, a traditional lender is not going to be of much help to you. But hard money lenders Arizona offer a legitimate means of raising the capital that you need quickly.

Sometimes, timing can be an issue not because you need the money very quickly but because you have just completed the purchase of another property. In many cases, you do not have the available credit to make an additional purchase. But a hard money lenders Arizona will only be considering the current market value of the property being used as collateral and not your current debt load. This will allow you to make the additional purchase and not miss out on a great opportunity just due to poor timing.

A Unique Opportunity

Not every real estate investment is a simple case of buying low and selling for a profit. In some cases, the buyer needs to be a visionary who can see the very obscure potential in a property. If this is the case, a bank is not likely to be willing to write a loan for the property. The risk involved will be higher than a traditional lender is willing to assume. But a creative real estate investor will know that a hard money lender will fund the loan. Yes, the risk is high but the opportunity for reward on these types of deals is also high.

Non-Traditional Circumstances

Hard money loans do cost a borrower more in interest and in points. But when a great opportunity presents itself, it can be worth spending a little bit more to make a great deal more in the long run. When you need to process a loan quickly, or have already maxed out your line of credit with a bank, a hard money lender could be your only choice to land a great deal. Hard money lenders are also a good choice when the property is going to require some vision to increase the value and banks are not willing to take the necessary risk.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Spotting a Business Loan Beware of Hidden Fees in Hard Money Loans ArizonaThat Is Too Good To Be True

Certain fees are to be expected when you borrow money. But there can be hidden fees that you will not learn about until the closing unless you are very thorough in reviewing your hard money loans Arizona documentation.

There is always a cost associated with borrowing money. And legitimate lenders will clearly explain the cost prior to the closing date. They don’t want to invest the time and effort in drawing up the documents only to have the borrower refuse to sign on closing day. But the less than reputable lenders will bury these fees deep in the documentation in hopes that the borrower never discovers them until after signing the loan documents.

Points are not considered a junk fee but are more the cost of creating the documents for hard money loans Arizona. But there are other fees such as document preparation fees, underwriting fees and clerical fees which do fall into the junk fee category. The best way to avoid paying any of these fees to to request a written list of all of the fees associated with the hard money loan. In addition verify which fees will be due at the closing. This will let you know exactly how much you will need to pay in addition to the down payment on the property.

Upfront Fee Scams

In addition to hidden fees that can get added into the loan documentation, there is a scam that includes upfront fees. In this situation, the lender explains that they require an application fee or they sometimes refer to it as an administrative fee to process your application. In essence, they are requiring you to pay them before they decide if they will fund your loan or not. In some cases they say that the fee will be applied to your points once the loan application is approved. But this is all a scam. They are not going to approve your loan application. They never approve any applications. This is just a way to collect fees from unsuspecting borrowers. When you try to call or email the lender, you never get a response and your application fee is long gone. You should never be asked to pay fees before you can apply for hard money loans Arizona.

Get a Second Opinion

No legitimate hard money lender would ever be offended if you ask for a copy of the loan documents so that you can have them reviewed by your accountant and lawyer. Hard money loans Arizona are not as tightly regulated as traditional loans so the legal documents can be very confusing to the average borrower. So it is a very wise choice to ask for a full list of all of the loan fees and a copy of the loan documents to have reviewed by a professional. A hard money loan is a serious investment and you should take every precaution to protect your financial interests. A lending professional will not be offended and will often be impressed with your candor for explaining what you are doing and why.


Dennis Dahlberg
Level 4 Funding LLC 
Private Hard Money Lender
Arizona Office:  (623) 582-4444 NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
22601 N 19th Ave Suite 112 | Phoenix | AZ | 85027


Monday, May 28, 2018

Advantages of Hard Money Loans Arizona

It is true that hard money loans cost more in interest and fees than most traditional loans. But there are several advantages of using hard money loans Arizona.

Most borrowers are focused on trying to find the most affordable lender when they are seeking a loan. And thinking along those lines is likely to keep many borrowers from taking advantage of all of the benefits of hard money loans Arizona. But investing just a few minutes in exploring the advantages of hard money loans could easily change some borrower’s opinion of hard money loans Arizona.

As a business person, your time is very valuable. And hours spent completing traditional loan applications are costing you money. The time could be better spent managing and growing your business. The much simpler application process of hard money loans Arizona is a great way to save yourself time and the stress that is associated with completing forms and compiling bank statements and other documentation.

Another advantage of hard money loans is the fact that you will not need to submit your personal banking and financial statements to the hard money lender as you would if working with a bank. Traditional lenders are interested in business creditworthiness and financial health as well as the personal financial situation of each owner of the business. However, a hard money lender is only focusing on the current market value of the property which will be the collateral for the loan.

Self-Employment is Not an Issue

Many banks and traditional lenders have very specific criteria for funding a loan when the borrower is self-employed. This can make it even harder than normal for a borrower to qualify for a loan. But a hard money lender does not see self-employment as a negative. And in some cases they prefer it as it shows initiative and the desire to commit to hard work to become successful.

Used Correctly Hard Money Is a Great Tool

Hard money loans are not the perfect solution for every borrower. If you are looking for a long term loan, or if you need to borrow the entire purchase price of a property, then hard money lenders will be of no help to you. But if you are looking for a short term loan that can be funded quickly, then hard money is for you. The application process is much less lengthy and the criteria for approval is related more to the actual current market value of the property than it is your credit score. So borrowers with poor credit or no credit will have a fair opportunity to secure a hard money loan.

Not only is applying to many banks time consuming but it is also humiliating to be turned down time after time. But you can avoid the embarrassment and the wasted time by presenting your request to a reputable hard money lender. With a solid plan to purchase and resell for a profit, you have a higher than average chance of getting the funding that you need from a hard money lender.

Dennis Dahlberg
Level 4 Funding LLC  Private Hard Money Lender
Arizona Tel:  (623) 582-4444
Texas Tel:      (512) 516-1177 NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
22601 N 19th Ave Suite 112 | Phoenix | AZ | 85027
111 Congress Ave |Austin | Texas | 78701
About the Author:  Dennis has been working in the real estate industry in some capacity for the last 45 years. He purchased his first property when he was just 18 years old. He quickly learned about the amazing investment opportunities provided by trust deed investing and hard money loans. His desire to help others make money in real estate investing led him to specialize in alternative funding for real estate investors who may have trouble getting a traditional bank loan. Dennis is passionate about alternative funding sources and sharing his knowledge with others to help make their dreams come true. Dennis has been married to his wonderful wife for 42 years. They have 2 beautiful daughters 5 amazing grandchildren. Dennis has been an Arizona resident for the past 40 years.

Technorati Tags: commercial loans,commercial lending,commercial mortgage

How to Find Reliable Hard Money Lenders Arizona

Finding reliable hard money lenders Arizona is not as easy as driving to a bank or mortgage company. You will need to invest some time to find the best hard money lender to meet your needs.

Most first time hard money borrowers are not very familiar with the process or their options when it comes to selecting a lender. So it can be very tempting to just accept the first lender who is willing to make you an offer. But there are a few key questions that you should answer when you are assessing potential hard money lenders Arizona.

The hard money lenders website is going to tell you a great deal about how they do business and the actual type of service that they offer. Some sites are very basic and are only used to gather your information. They provide no details about the lender or the types of terms that they offer. Often times you learn after the fact that these sites do not belong to actual hard money lenders Arizona, but instead they are operated by an intermediary or broker who is collecting information on potential borrowers and then turning it over to an actual hard money lender. This is not a person that you want to deal with as they are going to add fees and provide you with no real service. You only want to work directly with the lender.

Professionalism is another important factor when selecting hard money lenders Arizona. You want to work with a lender who can meet your financial needs but also your customer service needs. Reliable contact information, a staff that promptly returns calls and emails and clear and professional documentation are all indication of a professional lender and not a fly by night entity.

Finding a Good Match

Not every hard money lender is going to be a good match for every potential borrower. Some lenders focus only on commercial properties while others prefer to focus on residential properties. Selecting a lender who regularly funds projects similar to yours will undoubtedly make the process smoother and faster which is often a driving motivation for using a hard money lender.

Do Your Homework

Any lender, whether a hard money lender or a traditional lender, is simply a service provider. You would never select a builder for your next home, a contractor or even a car mechanic without checking out the business and its reputation. So you need to commit to the same process with a hard money lender. Be certain that they are in good standing with other borrowers and that they are not embroiled in any legal issues. Check out their reputation with previous clients. Did they offer a professional process and service throughout the life of the loan? Were they reasonable to work with one terms and payments? All of this information will give you insight into what your hard money borrowing experience is likely to be when working with that lender.

3 Requirements to Succeed Using Hard Money Loans Arizona

Understanding these three basic requirements of hard money loans Arizona will help to ensure that you can secure your loan. In addition, these tips will greatly improve your potential of success.

Real estate investors who are not familiar with hard money loans Arizona often have many questions about the process and how to best use a hard money loan to its fullest potential. The first question is always about the collateral required to secure a hard money loan. Borrowers want to know how much they can borrow and how that number is determined. All of this financial information is a huge part of the first requirement of hard money loans Arizona. Having a sufficient down payment is critical to securing a hard money loan. Lenders are only going to offer between 65% and 75% of the purchase price of the property. The borrower is required to provide the remaining 25% to 35% in the form of a down payment. This assures the lender that the property will almost always remain more valuable than the outstanding balance of the loan.

In addition to the cash to purchase the property, the lender is going to want verification that the borrower has the cash reserves necessary to pay the costs associated with owning the property such as the monthly payments, the taxes and insurance. If the property is in need of repairs or renovations, the lender might also want to see that the borrower has the means to make the needed repairs to protect the property value.

Be Prepared with a Detailed Plan

Real estate experience is also an important consideration prior to funding hard money loans Arizona. The lender is going to need to understand the borrower’s previous experience in real estate investing to know that they are a good investment. This experience can be demonstrated through past successful investments as well as a clear and detailed plan for the current project. Items such as a detailed timeline, tasks to be completed, comparable property pricing in the area and a plan for marketing and selling the completed property will all show the lender that this project has a great potential for success due to the experience and professional management of the borrower.


As with any business deal, professionalism is going to be critical to the final success of the project. Not having a clearly defined plan and the money to act on the plan is a sure sign that the project is doomed even before it gets started. But having a plan and a detailed process outlined to achieve the goals will show potential lenders that you are experienced and well prepared to start and successfully finish this project. Not only will this preparation go a long way in helping you secure the hard money loan but it will also help to make the project run more smoothly and remain on budget and on time. The effort you invest before the project begins is equally as critical to its success as any time and effort you invest during the project.