Wednesday, April 10, 2019

How to Make the Most of Arizona Fix and Flip Loans

Making money off of fixer uppers may seem easy based on the endless stream of shows on HGTV. From Property Brothers to Flip or Flop, profit seems possible—and the inspiring renovations can be exciting! So, how could you make the most of a fix and flip without the glam of a film crew on your side?

Planning will be the first step. You will need to do research into your property and its needs. What renovations are required? What design decisions will contribute to its overall aesthetic? What kinds of things should you prepare for, and what teams are necessary to ensure everything goes according to plan? A lot goes into fixer uppers, and you need to be prepared to answer all the questions. After all, your loan lender will consider your financial history and your renovation abilities.

Building a portfolio is not easy—everyone starts somewhere, even if it is with an empty binder. Once you have your team assembled and the beginning of plans for a specific property, you may begin to seek out a loan lender.

Obtaining a Hard Money Loan in Arizona

When people think of loans, they may think of going to a traditional lender, like a local bank or credit union. However, traditional lenders have high expectations of their borrowers. From a great credit score and debt to income ratio, the last thing they are likely thinking of is your flipping abilities—excellent portfolio or not. If you are having trouble obtaining a fix and flip loan, you may be referred to Houston Texas Private Money Lenders who offer hard money. Private lenders are untraditional options, but they can approve more people than traditional lenders. Instead of focusing on your ability in regard to finances, they focus on collateral. What is your property? What are you plans? What team have you assembled to achieve success? They will be more focused on you as an investment. This doesn’t mean that they won’t consider you as a candidate based on your financial reliability—they will. However, it will not be the only factor. This means you have a higher chance of being approved.

Pros of Using a Hard Money Lender for Your Arizona Fix and Flip Loans

Arizona Hard Money Lenders are great options for fixer uppers. Not only can they qualify more people for their loans, but they can offer money fast—sometimes as soon as the day of. If not, they usually do it within the week which is several weeks sooner than traditional lenders. This is a great trait especially if you are working with a fixer upper and need to obtain a competitive property off of the market fast. Additionally, private Arizona Hard Money Lenders require short repayment periods. Depending on what you need your loan for this may not be a good thing. However, this is a great trait for fixer uppers because of the goal to have a smooth renovation and a quick sale with a profit. They do, however, have high interest rates and fees. For that reason they may not be for everyone, but, when working with fixer uppers, they may be the perfect solution as you are seeking out Arizona Fix and Flip Loans.

Dennis Dahlber Broker Ri CEO Level 4 Funding LLC Dennis Dahlberg
Level 4 Funding LLC 
Hard Money Lender
Hard Money Loans
Hard Money Loan
Arizona Tel:  (623) 582-4444
Texas Tel:      (512) 516-1177
Dennis Dahlberg Broker/RI/CEO

NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
22601 N 19th Ave Suite 112 | Phoenix | AZ | 85027
111 Congress Ave | Austin | Texas | 78701  

About the Author:  Dennis has been working in the real estate industry in some capacity for the last 40 years. He purchased his first property when he was just 18 years old. He quickly learned about the amazing investment opportunities provided by trust deed investing and hard money loans. His desire to help others make money in real estate investing led him to specialize in alternative funding for real estate investors who may have trouble getting a traditional bank loan. Dennis is passionate about alternative funding sources and sharing his knowledge with others to help make their dreams come true. Dennis has been married to his wonderful wife for 43 years. They have 2 beautiful daughters 5 amazing grandchildren. Dennis has been an Arizona resident for the past 40 years.

© 2016 Level 4 Funding LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright | Privacy Policy | *Terms & Conditions

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Are You Eligible for Arizona Hard Money Loans?

Not qualifying for a traditional loan from your local bank or credit union may send you to untraditional lenders. But, if you qualify, are they what’s best for you?

It’s a well-known fact that traditional lenders like banks have high expectations of their borrowers. They need to be reliable and have a solid financial history. This includes a great credit score and debt to income ratio. Not only that, but having thorough plans and research supporting your project is going to be of utmost importance. A history of successful fixer uppers is never a bad thing.

Still, the first step in success in the housing market is never easy. You will have to build good credit and, if seeking profits as a home renovator, gaining experience will only help build your portfolio and guide you through more successful fixer uppers. So, when is it time to turn to private lenders for your hard money loans? Is it ever a good time?

When Should You Turn to Hard Money Lenders?

The most common reasons people turn to Arizona Hard Money Lenders is speed and flexibility. Arizona Hard Money Lenders can begin the loan approval process sometimes as soon as the day of. If not, it can take as long as a week. That is short compared to banks and credit unions who can need as long as a month to get things going. In addition to speed, flexibility is another great offer. This refers to a few things, the first being approval. Private lenders who offer Texas Hard Money Loans focus on collateral. This means the project, the property’s potential, the plans and research. Private lenders want to invest in a project they believe in. While your financial history will come into account, it will not be the end all be all. Flexibility also refers to their individualism and transparency. For example, they generally will be direct with you if they do not believe in your project, and they will likely have no issue offering you an extension. Typically Texas Hard Money Loans are paid back within a year, but if your investor believes in your plans and projects, the extension can be made or an additional two to five years. If you turn to a hard money lender, it is because you need speed and flexibility. Cases like this are usually for fixer uppers and foreclosures, where the ability to obtain a property is the making or breaking point.

Should You Turn to Hard Money?

The question of whether or not you should turn to hard money depends solely on your situation. How fast do you need the money? Does your situation lend itself to hard money lenders? There are risks associated with hard money lenders. They require high interest rates, fees, and a short repayment period. Fixer uppers lend themselves to hard money because the goal is to renovate and sell quickly. Achieving this goal would help to ensure the loan is paid back timely. The costs of hard money may outweigh the costs depending on the stakes of your personal situation. If you have any questions about your private hard money lender, you can meet with a real estate attorney to go over the terms of your loan agreement so you feel confident in your decision, should you go forward with private hard money lenders.

Dennis Dahlber Broker Ri CEO Level 4 Funding LLC Dennis Dahlberg
Level 4 Funding LLC 
Hard Money Lender
Hard Money Loans
Hard Money Loan
Arizona Tel:  (623) 582-4444
Texas Tel:      (512) 516-1177
Dennis Dahlberg Broker/RI/CEO

NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
22601 N 19th Ave Suite 112 | Phoenix | AZ | 85027
111 Congress Ave | Austin | Texas | 78701  

About the Author:  Dennis has been working in the real estate industry in some capacity for the last 40 years. He purchased his first property when he was just 18 years old. He quickly learned about the amazing investment opportunities provided by trust deed investing and hard money loans. His desire to help others make money in real estate investing led him to specialize in alternative funding for real estate investors who may have trouble getting a traditional bank loan. Dennis is passionate about alternative funding sources and sharing his knowledge with others to help make their dreams come true. Dennis has been married to his wonderful wife for 43 years. They have 2 beautiful daughters 5 amazing grandchildren. Dennis has been an Arizona resident for the past 40 years.

© 2016 Level 4 Funding LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright | Privacy Policy | *Terms & Conditions

How Houston Texas Private Money Lenders Can Help Borrowers with Rotten Credit

Being turned away from a loan by a traditional lender, may lead you feeling confused about what other options are available to you. If this is you, read more below on how untraditional lenders may provide the options you need.

Rotten credit score can be the bane of anyone, but especially those seeking out loans. A bad credit score and debt to income ratio can stop anyone from investing in new projects. Fortunately, there are other options available.

Untraditional lenders can be great options for people unapproved of by traditional lenders like banks and credit unions. They consist of private companies and investors who offer hard money. While they may seem like your saving grace, you should know a few things about them before you sign any loan agreement.

Risks of Untraditional Private Hard Money Lenders

The first thing you should know is that they have high interest rates. Sometimes they can be as five percent more than other rates on the market. Additionally, they can come with some hefty and, sometimes hidden, fees. Determining the legitimacy of your Houston Texas private money lender is a must. The last thing you want is a “lender” who doesn’t follow through on the loan in the middle of your plans. When you begin searching for a loan, you may begin to think of yourself as an imperfect borrower if your credit score or some aspect of your financial history is not perfect. However, it’s important to challenge your lenders. There needs to be mutual confidence and respect on both ends of borrower and lender. Another thing you should consider is the short repayment period of hard money. In combination with the high fees, hard money may be a bit of a risk. Before jumping in head first just because you were able to be approved, you need to evaluate if all the terms to the loan fit you and your situation.

Can Houston Texas Private Money Lenders Really Make Your Dreams Come True?

Depending on your situation, Houston Texas Private Money Lenders may be for you. For example, one universal need for them is when it comes to fixer uppers. The short term repayment period is ideal when it comes to renovating the home and putting it on the market for what is hopefully a quick sale. Additionally, Arizona Hard Money Lenders are generally transparent with you. They are focused on the property and the plans you have for it. If they don’t believe in an aspect of the plans, they will likely be very direct with you. This extends to other things, like extending the repayment period itself. Usually Texas Hard Money Loans are paid off within a year, but if a lender believes in your plans and understands a reasonable extension fee, they are likely to work with you and lengthen the repayment period. This can be anywhere between an additional 12 months or 60. If you have rotten credit and are seeking out a loan, Arizona Hard Money Lenders may be for you. The important thing is to feel confident in yourself, your plans and your lender. If you doubt persists, you can always hire a real estate attorney to look over your lender’s loan agreements and help advise you on whether or not your lender is right for you.

Dennis Dahlber Broker Ri CEO Level 4 Funding LLC Dennis Dahlberg
Level 4 Funding LLC 
Hard Money Lender
Hard Money Loans
Hard Money Loan
Arizona Tel:  (623) 582-4444
Texas Tel:      (512) 516-1177
Dennis Dahlberg Broker/RI/CEO

NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
22601 N 19th Ave Suite 112 | Phoenix | AZ | 85027
111 Congress Ave | Austin | Texas | 78701  

About the Author:  Dennis has been working in the real estate industry in some capacity for the last 40 years. He purchased his first property when he was just 18 years old. He quickly learned about the amazing investment opportunities provided by trust deed investing and hard money loans. His desire to help others make money in real estate investing led him to specialize in alternative funding for real estate investors who may have trouble getting a traditional bank loan. Dennis is passionate about alternative funding sources and sharing his knowledge with others to help make their dreams come true. Dennis has been married to his wonderful wife for 43 years. They have 2 beautiful daughters 5 amazing grandchildren. Dennis has been an Arizona resident for the past 40 years.

© 2016 Level 4 Funding LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright | Privacy Policy | *Terms & Conditions

Expectations of Texas Private Money Lenders

Sometimes in order to be approved of a loan, you need to turn to untraditional lenders. But who are they, and what expectations do they have of their borrowers?

Ken and Hannah were looking to fix and flip a home. Ken was experienced in interior design, but neither of them had ever flipped a home. Needless to say, when they turned to their local bank, they didn’t qualify based on the hours of HGTV they had binged.

Ken and Hannah continued to put in research. Their credit score and debt to income ratio did not qualify them with their local bank, so they were interested in pursuing private, untraditional lenders. Before they dove in head first, however, they needed to complete their research to determine if untraditional lenders were right for them.

Who Are Texas Private Money Lenders?

Texas Private Money Lenders are untraditional lenders. They consist of private companies or investors who offer hard money. Untraditional lenders can be great options when you don’t qualify for a loan because they are able to approve more people by focusing on the property’s collateral. Banks solely focus on your financial history. Sometimes even a successful portfolio isn’t enough to sway them. For that reason, many people will turn to private Arizona Hard Money Lenders who focus on the property, the potential and the plans, all before considering your financial history. Your financial history is still important—they want to know you will be a reliable borrower—but it won’t make or break you in the long run.

Are Arizona Hard Money Lenders Right For You?

When Ken and Hannah met with their hard money lender, they quickly learned that there was more to them than meets the eye. They were excited to see that their property was one of potential, and because of it, they were anxious to grab it from what could be a very competitive market. However, a few things were holding them back. Arizona Hard Money Lenders have high interest rates and fees that they needed to consider. Because Ken and Hannah had limited experienced fixing and flipping, they wanted to be sure they could afford the high finances associated with private lenders. Additionally, they found there was a short repayment period. In some cases, this may not be a good thing, but because Ken and Hannah were looking to renovate a home and hopefully sell quickly with a profit, it fit the natural timeline of their fixer upper. Ken and Hannah realized that working with their private hard money lender may be a little bit of a risk with the extra finances, but they decided to go for it. Though, for some extra confidence, they did decide to have a real estate attorney look over the terms of their loan agreement. Sharon agreed with them and confirmed that their lender had a reliable history and that many professional home renovators work with Texas Private Money Lenders for the same reasons. Ken and Hannah were able to successfully renovate their home, and found the expectations of their private hard money lender to be reasonable for their situation, even if they may not be for everyone.

Dennis Dahlber Broker Ri CEO Level 4 Funding LLC Dennis Dahlberg
Level 4 Funding LLC 
Hard Money Lender
Hard Money Loans
Hard Money Loan
Arizona Tel:  (623) 582-4444
Texas Tel:      (512) 516-1177
Dennis Dahlberg Broker/RI/CEO

NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
22601 N 19th Ave Suite 112 | Phoenix | AZ | 85027
111 Congress Ave | Austin | Texas | 78701  

About the Author:  Dennis has been working in the real estate industry in some capacity for the last 40 years. He purchased his first property when he was just 18 years old. He quickly learned about the amazing investment opportunities provided by trust deed investing and hard money loans. His desire to help others make money in real estate investing led him to specialize in alternative funding for real estate investors who may have trouble getting a traditional bank loan. Dennis is passionate about alternative funding sources and sharing his knowledge with others to help make their dreams come true. Dennis has been married to his wonderful wife for 43 years. They have 2 beautiful daughters 5 amazing grandchildren. Dennis has been an Arizona resident for the past 40 years.

© 2016 Level 4 Funding LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright | Privacy Policy | *Terms & Conditions

What are the Dangers of Texas Hard Money Loans?

Seeking out a hard money loan may seem like your only option—but is it the best option?

Texas Hard Money Loans are often referred to those who cannot qualify for traditional lending options. They are offered by private companies and investors who base their approval process on a very individual basis—that of the loan and property plans, and then the reliability of the lender. As you may know, when you seek out traditional loans offered by local banks and credit unions, getting approved is based solely on your financial history, including your credit score and debt to income ratio. Your reliability as a borrower is paramount. However, when it comes to hard money lenders, they consider this second. The investment is based on collateral and potential value. This leads many to private Arizona Hard Money Lenders without considering the possible repercussions.

What are the Cons of Hard Money Lenders?

The first con of Texas Hard Money Lenders is that they may in fact be, well, a con. Determining the reliability of your lender will be of the utmost importance. A lot of people consider the fact that, when seeking out loans, they will have to prove their reliability as a lender. Sometimes it is an afterthought that the opposite must also be considered. Finding a hard money lender who can offer you a loan and will not pull out of the project last minute can be the difference between a success and a failure. Putting in a little research and seeking out lenders who have worked with individuals on similar projects will be helpful in seeking out the right lender. The next major thing to consider is the price. Texas Hard Money Loans can be great for a variety of people, but it doesn’t come without a cost. Literally. Interest rates on hard money can be as high as five percent more than the rates on traditional loans across the market. Not only that, but all Arizona Hard Money Lenders are different. In addition to the high rates, some lenders may also require additional fees within the loan agreement. The last thing you will want to consider is the short repayment period. Depending on what you need the loan for, the short repayment period may not impact you as much as it would someone else. However, coupled with the high interest rates, it’s definitely something to consider before diving in.

How Can Texas Hard Money Lenders Help You?

Texas Hard Money Loans can be the solution if you do not qualify for traditional loans. Arizona Hard Money Lenders are able to get you your money fast, and may be able to approve you based on the plans you have for the property while a traditional lender may only consider your financial history. Texas Hard Money Lenders work fast, are generally transparent with you, and can even offer a loan extension if they believe in you and your plans. There are risks associated with hard money lenders, but if the speed and flexibility outweigh the dangers they may just be for you.

Dennis Dahlber Broker Ri CEO Level 4 Funding LLC Dennis Dahlberg
Level 4 Funding LLC 
Hard Money Lender
Hard Money Loans
Hard Money Loan
Arizona Tel:  (623) 582-4444
Texas Tel:      (512) 516-1177
Dennis Dahlberg Broker/RI/CEO

NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
22601 N 19th Ave Suite 112 | Phoenix | AZ | 85027
111 Congress Ave | Austin | Texas | 78701  

About the Author:  Dennis has been working in the real estate industry in some capacity for the last 40 years. He purchased his first property when he was just 18 years old. He quickly learned about the amazing investment opportunities provided by trust deed investing and hard money loans. His desire to help others make money in real estate investing led him to specialize in alternative funding for real estate investors who may have trouble getting a traditional bank loan. Dennis is passionate about alternative funding sources and sharing his knowledge with others to help make their dreams come true. Dennis has been married to his wonderful wife for 43 years. They have 2 beautiful daughters 5 amazing grandchildren. Dennis has been an Arizona resident for the past 40 years.

© 2016 Level 4 Funding LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright | Privacy Policy | *Terms & Conditions

Monday, April 8, 2019

Are Arizona Hard Money Lenders the Real Deal?

Qualifying for traditional loans is not always easy—but is seeking out private, untraditional lenders really what’s best for you?

Tori and Tony wanted to learn to fix and flip houses, but they couldn’t qualify for a traditional loan. Their local bank and credit unions all said the same thing: their credit score was too low, and their debt to income ratio wasn’t low enough. Still, they didn’t want to give up their dreams of renovating a fixer upper, and decided to look into private money lenders.

Tori and Tony soon learned that private money lenders are untraditional options, usually private companies or investors, that offer hard money. Arizona Hard Money Lenders are often referred to borrowers who cannot qualify for traditional lending options. While they can be really helpful for borrowers in some situations, they may not be for everyone.

Finding Success Within the Eligibility of Hard Money

Hard money is great because, when you are approved, you can obtain it fast. Some Arizona Hard Money Lenders are able to begin the loan process within the week, if not as soon as the day of. Traditional lenders like banks may take as long as a month. Depending on why you need the cash and how fast, the ability to obtain a loan may make or break you. In Tori and Tony’s case, they wanted to purchase a property with high renovation potential. Because it was such a great piece of property on the housing market, they felt the need to secure the loan fast. However, there are a few daunting things about hard money to consider. The first is the high interest rates. Interest on hard money loans can be as high as five percent higher than other loan options. Additionally, there is a short repayment period. Depending on what you plan with your loan, this could be a good or a bad thing. Because Tori and Tony were wanting to renovate a home and sell it quickly with hopeful plans for profit, a hard money loan would be great. The short repayment period falls in line with the timeline of a fixer upper. In other cases, like using the loan for a rental property where money is coming in over a long period of time, hard money loans may not be right for you and your situation—especially coupled with the high interest rates.

Are Arizona Hard Money Lenders Right for You?

Determining if you should seek out hard money, is a decision that should be made based on your individual needs. Just because Tori and Tony were seeking out a private lender for a fix and flip doesn’t mean that that is a decision you will want to make too—no matter how common it is for private lenders to invest in fixer uppers. Ultimately you will want to consider your major limits in regard to money and time. If you meet with a private lender and are still unsure about whether it is the right decision for you, you can always meet with a real estate attorney. A real estate attorney will be able to help you identify any major stipulations with the loan agreement, and advise you of any concerns or possible risks. Not only that, but they can help provide insight on the legitimacy of the lender. Something always to consider is the lender’s reliability. When it comes to loans, it’s not only the borrower who has something to prove: it’s the lender, too.

Dennis Dahlber Broker Ri CEO Level 4 Funding LLC Dennis Dahlberg
Level 4 Funding LLC 
Hard Money Lender
Hard Money Loans
Hard Money Loan
Arizona Tel:  (623) 582-4444
Texas Tel:      (512) 516-1177
Dennis Dahlberg Broker/RI/CEO

NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
22601 N 19th Ave Suite 112 | Phoenix | AZ | 85027
111 Congress Ave | Austin | Texas | 78701  

About the Author:  Dennis has been working in the real estate industry in some capacity for the last 40 years. He purchased his first property when he was just 18 years old. He quickly learned about the amazing investment opportunities provided by trust deed investing and hard money loans. His desire to help others make money in real estate investing led him to specialize in alternative funding for real estate investors who may have trouble getting a traditional bank loan. Dennis is passionate about alternative funding sources and sharing his knowledge with others to help make their dreams come true. Dennis has been married to his wonderful wife for 43 years. They have 2 beautiful daughters 5 amazing grandchildren. Dennis has been an Arizona resident for the past 40 years.

© 2016 Level 4 Funding LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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