Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Beretta Firearms built their dream a long time ago.

Beretta Firearms built their dream a long time ago.

Did you know that Beretta firearms started its legacy in 1526? That’s right! I bet that many of you thought that guns weren’t even invented until the 19th century. Beretta has been in the business for a LONG time. This makes it the most active Firearm manufacturer of all time. A gunsmith by the name of Maestro Bartolomeo Beretta of Gardone Val Trompia was the man who made this company turn into a success. One of the most amazing facts about this company is that Beretta Firearms have always been owned by the same owner for over 500 years! Can you think of any companies who have been in business for that long? I surely can’t. The fact of the matter is that are really good at what they do and they know the business as well as most people out there.

Beretta Firearms played a big role in both World War I and World War II. Since Beretta was an Italian, it made sense that they provided their weapons of war to Italy and their allied forces. It wasn’t until 1943 when they were seized by German forces that they were distributed among the Axis powers. With their advanced technology, these weapons proved to be very destructive and powerful.

Beretta Firearms today.

The owner of Beretta today is a man by the name of Ugo Gussalli Beretta and also by his sons, Franco and Pietro. It is important to point out that Ugo is a direct descendant of Bartolomeo, the original owner of Beretta. Now that’s something! You don’t see very many companies who stick to that kind of game plan. In the late 1980’s, Beretta has acquired some domestic companies such as Benelli and Franchi as well as some foreign companies. Beretta Firearms continues this day to be a powerful force in the firearm industry.

As the world evolves, so does the customs and norms change for the people that inhabit it. Beretta firearms have also had to adapt to the changing times. They have done really well with marketing their products to people all over the world.

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