Monday, June 4, 2018

What to Expect With Hard Money Loans Arizona

Hard money loans Arizona offers real estate investors a great tool. But, that tool is only useful if the investor understand the process and knows what to expect.

Hard money loans Arizona represent a good opportunity for many real estate investors. But knowing what to expect from the process and how to prepare are critical to a successful request and having the loan funded. Knowing what the lender is looking for will let you present him or her with the desired information and be prepared to meet the requirements of getting the loan.

Hard money lenders are going to want to see that the borrower has some money in the bank as a safety net in case there are issues with the property or the future transaction. Being cash poor is going to make it difficult for you to pay insurance, invest in repairs to the property or even maintain the property. So it is always wise to create a nest egg before beginning your search for hard money loans Arizona.

As a first time hard money borrower, it is also important that you do your homework. Understanding the terms for hard money loans Arizona is very important. The interest rate is definitely going to be higher than a traditional loan and the terms are going to be much shorter. But that is the price of doing business in the hard money world. However, the advantage for you is that all of the terms on hard money loans Arizona are negotiable. You simply need to work with the lender to agree to terms that meet both your needs and his or her needs.

What to Ask For

The loan to value rate is simple the comparison of the amount that you are asking for and the current market value of the property. In most cases a hard money lender will never fund over 70% of the cost of the property. So you need to be aware of this “magic” number and limit your request accordingly. In addition, you will need to be able to demonstrate your ability to provide the remaining amount of the purchase price for the down payment on the property.

Have a Planed Exit Strategy

All that the lender is really interested in is recovering his or her investment and interest on the hard money loan. But the lender understands that for you to pay off such a large loan in a short period of time, then you will most likely need to resell the property for a profit. So the lender will want to know how you plan to accomplish that task. And because it is only on a very rare occasion that things go perfectly, it is best for the lender and for you, to have more than one exit plan. You might want to do a quick flip on a residential property. But if you can’t find a buyer then a reasonable backup plan it to rent the property and seek a traditional loan to pay off the hard money loan.

Knowing what to expect and being prepared will not only help you to secure a hard money loan but it will also help you to be successful in profiting from that loan.

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